Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
I Think I'm Losing My Appetite...
2. Manly Cupcakes
I came across this via Neatorama. Apparently someone decided men couldn’t enjoy regular cupcakes because they’re too feminine, soButch Bakery was born. The Butch Bakery Man-Ifesto? “We’re Men. Men who like cupcakes. Not the frilly pink-frosted sprinkles-and-unicorns kind of cupcakes. We make manly cupcakes for manly men.”
Each cupcake is topped with a chocolate disk in such designs as Woodland Camo and Checkerboard and flavours include “The Driller”: maple cake with chocolate ganache and bacon bits. The flavour on the main page of their site is the “B-52.”
I’m not too keen on the bacon bits idea, but other than that I usually believe the more cupcakes, the better! What’s interesting is what it says about what’s unacceptable for men (eating pink desserts) and what’s considered manly (red meat and military motifs).
Use That Sociological Imagination!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
"It was late when I finally went to bed, and I lay there, unable to sleep, wondering if God were watching. It was an uncomfortable feeling, being watched. What if I were in the bathroom, would He watch me in there, too? I guessed He had access to anywhere people are suffering, which, thinking back on my Thanksgiving meal, surely included the bathroom."
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Waiting Take 2
"For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is not seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have?" Romans 8:24
Friday, April 22, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Best Part of Waking Up... (or is it...?)
As I mentioned, the Folger's video seems to haunt me wherever I go. It turns out, while I often forget about the Folger's video, it doesn't forget about me. Approximately a year-ish later, there I was minding my own business in my "Media and Communications" class. The professor was talking about people putting things on the internet, and how people tend to not think about who might see what when they post things on the internet. And then he said, "Here's a video that some SPU students made" AND HE PLAYED IT IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS. And there I sat with my friend Julia holding my hand as I rapidly turned the color of ketchup and nervously giggled. And then my professor looked at me and said, "Oh--is that you in that video?" YOUR POINT IS PROVEN. I REALIZE THE IRONY. And furthermore how did you NOT recognize me--I sit in the front row and there are only about 35 people in this class! AND I PARTICIPATE like a good student should! But I wouldn't take it back with the exception of better sound editing and perhaps advertising for a better product. Who wants to wake up to Folger's? A nice latte? Yes. Folger's? Nay.
One might ask themselves, "Gee Jess, wouldn't you contact Krichael to take the video off?" This would be a logical step, however it turns out I have an incredibly short memory, and every time it crossed my mind I thought, "Oh yes, I'll do that tomorrow" and low and behold here we are three years later. Anyways, flash forward to a few weeks ago when I passed a resident in the hallway. "I saw your video!!!" she said. WHAT. I instantly knew which video she was talking about because I have no other ones floating around in cyber space (at least to my knowledge...). "How?!" I asked her, in my head very illogically thinking that was in Seattle...I'm in! and then realizing we were talking about the INTERNET. It turns out someone had posted it "randomly" (I say this because nothing is really ever random, but I don't have another word right now), on a student's facebook wall, and this student recognized me, and as news likes to travel fast here on the Saint Joseph College campus my entire staff had seen it by the end of the week. So, I am not hiding anymore!!! Here we are, loud and proud, the debut of the Folger's commercial on my blog! I'm putting it all out there--no more secrets! I've been living with this burden for too long! I embrace my past and look forward to a youtubeless-future (as in...I will not be posting videos of me dancing to commercial jingles any time soon or EVER). I stated could be worse...
The real question here is how does this thing have nearly 30,000 views? Who has time to be looking up videos about Folger's instant coffee? I may never understand the phenomenon, but since this is the closest I'll probably ever be to a celebrity, I've come to accept my fate.
P.S. McAuley Quint I know you're watching...shout out!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Thank Goodness for...
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Do Something New-Run a 5K!
Well folks, I completed my first 5K and let me tell you--methinks I might be on my way to being a regular racer. This Saturday my friend Beth and I set out to run the "Burn Calories For Fuel" 5K that supports people in Hartford who cannot pay their heat or utility bills. Now, now, I'm not going to be like those crazy MARATHONERS...but I'd consider a 10K (maybe several months/years from now). My goal was to run the whole thing--and I did it! My first experience was wonderful! I finished 148th out of 197, which frankly I was a little bit disappointed in until one of the RA's told me that she finished second to last in a race and the guy behind her had heart problems, so I'll take what I can get and run with it (PUN INTENDED! I just crack myself up). While my first 5K was certainly a wonderful experience I did have a few qualms: